Importance of wisdom quotes in motivating people to get success in their life Wisdom is there in everyone in deep inside. It can be defined as feeling, thoughts, concepts, ideas which assists greater good. It is an understanding and perceiving the people, things, situations or events and producing results with minimum amount of energy and time. Words are really more powerful tools. The short inspiring phrases, quotes by some great people make people feel good. Wisdom quotes are there for several occasions such as to motivate, energize, inspire etc. People can find these quotes on many websites based on the topic and author also. They are very meaningful, interesting and inspiring. These quotes motivate people and give positive energy. They make people learn good things from mistakes and teach how to overcome the failures. They will teach how to forgive others. People can try to remember and share these quotes with their friends through social networking sites or mobile phones etc. There are numerous wisdom quotes available which can help people to become wise and happy. Many wise people like Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln etc. have explained many thoughts to gain wisdom. They tell facts about life, happiness, friendship and many more. People can get inspiration after reading these quotes.