Expressing emotions and feelings through famous farewell quotes Farewells and goodbyes are something which people do not want to face. Farewell is an emotional experience that makes the bond even stronger. Because it will be sad when someone is leaving and going far. But these farewells are part of everyone's life. Sometimes people cannot find words to express when their loved ones are leaving. Then they can express their feelings through farewell quotes. There is extensive collection of quotes from celebrities, authors, philosophers etc. People can find them online through some websites or in some books. A lot of people part each other but only for some time. For some people it is difficult to say good bye or farewell. They can easily express their true feeling through writing quotes. The separation teaches people a lot in their life. This can also be expressed through some nice quotations. If farewells are expressed using some quotes, there will be a good memory for people. Farewell quotes contain thank you notes, clarification about misunderstandings and many more. They can express whatever they are feeling. People feel good and happy after expressing their feelings in constructive manner. They can write their own quotes if they cannot tell orally or they can send the quotations by famous people.