Seek Inspiration and Hope by the Dream Quotes Introduction Dreams are not something that we perceive in a state of sleep. In fact, it’s the element that keeps us going. Everyone has dreams. Some dream big while the others have small attainable dreams. It is a hope that enables us to move forward despite calamities and urges us to move ahead in the race of life. Quotes on Dreams There are many quotes found on the topic of dreams and one can conveniently find it all over the internet. Many celebrities and public figures talk about the importance of dreams. It helps enormously to motivate and inspire people. These quotes focus on inner strength and a sound state of mind that is crucial to attain one’s dream. It basically focuses on the idea that dreams begin by hope. It is a seed planted with the hope of achieving good results. In this world of insane reality, it is our dreams that keep us going and this idea is beautifully expressed in the beauty quotes. These quotes stress on the themes of individuality, confidence, hope, strength and a positive outlook in life. A dream is just as big as the dreamer and it is the dreamer’s potential that makes the dream a great accomplishment. Please share the quotes with your friends on Facebook , Twitter , Social Bookmarks