Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Night Quotes

Sign off by sharing the Good Night Quotes Introduction to the quotes These good night quotes are useful to express our feeling to our loved one. Before signing off for the day, most of us like to leave a message to our beloved family and friends and to the special someone. In such cases, these quotes can be used to share or express our love and concern for them. Most of these quotes focus on wishing someone a good night’s sleep accompanied by sweet and loving dreams. Some quotes also border on the idea of parting. As the night brings the day to an end, similarly the good night quotes express the metaphor pointing to the end of a relationship. The celebration of dreams The good night quotes also present the idea of a guardian angel who protects the sleeper. Another idea it points out is the transformation from the reality to the world of dreams. Basically these quotes wish people a good time without the insane chores and problems of the day. It can also be seen as the celebration of the night- a time when dreams rule our world. A time of peace, solace, comfort and most importantly silence. As the night brings us hope of rest, these quotes help us to relax and unwind. Please share the quotes with your friends on Facebook , Twitter , Social Bookmarks
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